Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Kim is approaching week 10 at the end of this week. Our little peanut is busy growing like crazy. The picture to the left is a picture of a dried plum...seriously. Our baby is the size of a dried plum? Anyway...Here is a little more scientific update from The Bump website:

With bones and cartilage starting to form and vital organs beginning to function, baby is making major progress. Body length will almost double in the next three weeks, and arm joints are now working. (Soon, legs will too.)

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Welcome to our website dedicated to remembering every step in the journey of our new baby. Today is the 1st day of the 9th week and this became as real as we could have imagined this week. On Monday, August 18th we heard the baby's heartbeat for the first time and got the confirmation that all was ok to this point. We were so excited to hear that heartbeat! What a change for us both...after nearly 13 years of marriage, we have a little one growing on the inside of Kimmy. Since this is the first post I'll make it short and sweet. Keep praying for us and we'll update you often as to the progress of everything. Meanwhile...little Elmo is about this big: