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Thursday, June 11, 2009

Coming into the home stretch....

I've sort of been avoiding the subject of Kim going back to work for several reasons...
  • She/me/we....are super thankful that she even has a job in this recession. Her company and mine have both reorganized and we've both been able to weather the reductions - Thank you Lord.
  • I don't like to think about some level of inadequacy that I place on myself by not holding a position or salary that would allow us to accomplish life on one income. (totally self induced)
  • Kim is super emotional anyway and thinking about the past nearly three months with Reese and now turning back to a world of deadlines and stress is not a savory thought right now.
  • It makes us both sad....duh.
  • Its finally are out, teachers are jogging every morning...going to play tennis....or clogging up my midday run to Publix. It just sucks to think about going back - even for me and I've only had off one full week and part of another thanks to sorry rules for Dads in the workplace that don't seem to think dear old Pop needs anytime with his young family.
  • And I/we don't want to complain too much because we're no different that every other working family out there....though we do seem to be the minority in our neighborhood. Damn retirees and stay at home Moms.
So you see this subject is filled with emotions from thankful, to stressful, to sadness, to some amount of resentment, all mixed together with humor and worry about the unknown. Nice little cocktail of emotions, huh.

I'll be honest in that I didn't see this stance was if and when we had a child....he/she HAD to go to daycare. Bar none....unless Nan was coming to live with us. (offer would stand if need be). But now with Kim one week from returning to work, I wish I could sweep away all our debt and that we could make it on one income so she could stay home. Not that we're slammed with debt...thank you sweetie. Kim is conservative and I'm a little more liberal with our income. And not that Kim could stay at home full time....she's a workaholic. She likes to work and prides herself on being a good employee and doing a better than expected job....I tell her all the time that she's good enough but I think she likes to prove it.

So what's our plan?

She's working. Hard. We split the chores around here so the house would function once she went back.....NOTE....we've always split them but now my split got a little bigger - no complaints. I won't say who is doing what because it will make for a pretty good series of posts one day. I'll bet you can't wait to read the one when Adam washed the new red shirt with Kim's white one. But it won't happen folks because I'm halfway indoctrinated to wash anyway...blah!

We're saving money. Just because we need to.

We're working on our house. Because it needs some TLC.

We may eventually try to sell once the market recovers and look for that final house to live in here in Towne Lake.....hahahahaha. HOHOHOHOHO. HEHEHEHEHEHE. But no, seriously...we might. Maybe? Because if we're having another one.......we're going to need a bigger house.

JUST CALM DOWN GRANDPARENTS!!!! This is a minimum of two years out but I can't see us raising just Reese...i don't think. What about a little brother named Reed? Carter? My fav Dayton? Come on...she needs a little brother to pick on, right? (Dear God I hope I can take this back if need be.)

So with that thought in mind, we can't stay too depressed about work because we gotta save up some funds for round two of this deal. In all seriousness though....Kim is my hero. She has literally turned into a mother over night and she's excellent at it. She has a new patience and a new love that I've never seen. She is calming for Reese and this baby girl just loves her Mommy to death. She is stronger than she knows and she is more capable than anyone that I know to balance this work/life/baby house of cards. I love everything about her and I'm glad she's my wife. It is going to be SOOOOOOO ok sweetie......Love, me.

Have you ever seen anything so cute?

Damn - let's laugh a little for a change on these posts for a while!?!?! I promise to lighten it up a little once next week passes. Really....I'm ready to cut up again.


jill said...

that last picture is the most adorable thing i've ever seen! i love it! we'll be praying for you guys next week. it's hard to go back, but for us, the anticipation and dread was worse than the day itself. i know that doesn't hold true for everyone, but i really hope the transition is manageable for y'all!

Nana said...

Kim....I know how hard it will be for you,but I know as well as Adam how strong you can be..Every mother goes through the same situation time and time again...Next it will be her first day at school,graduation from hight school and hopefull (if Adam permits ha ha) her getting married...So just take a deep breath ask God to take your hand and you will get through it..Remember one day at a time..Love you, Mom

Rachel said...

It is still hard to leave Jacob. I wonder what he is doing through out the day especially at this stage where is is crawling and pulling up. I feel like I might miss something. But I love him and I'm there when I can be and that is all any of us can do. You guys will get through it. She is so Precious.

papahall2.0 said...

"Cherish This Time"
So Reese is here!
What joy and what pleasure!
Now your life is expanding,
To make room for this treasure.
A darling newcomer
To have and to hold--
Reese’s smiles are more precious
Than silver or gold.
She’ll demolish your schedule
Though Reese is helpless and small;
She’ll make her needs known,
And she’ll rule over all ! See, Adam and Kim’s work will never be quite done,
But you’ll never mind,
‘Cause it’s all so much fun !
When you hear her cute giggle
You’ll start "aahing" and "oohing,"
And Reesie will soon reply back
By "ga ga" and "goo gooing."
Those big innocent eyes
See a world strange and new;
To make sense of it all
Reese will look only to you.
So cherish this time
Of miraculous things--
The excitement and wonder
That a new baby brings.
By Joanna Fuchs Modified by papahall2.0 We love you ! Adam,Kim and Reese ! Papa and Gramma Hall